Readability Level by Dale-Chall Score

Dale-Chall score formula is used to assess the readability level of a given text, which is described below:
Dale-Chall score formula
Difficult words do not belong to the list of 3,000 familiar words. The formula adds 3.6365 to the raw score if the percentage of difficult words is greater than 5% to get the adjusted score. More information about the Dale-Chall readability score can be found here.
The mapping of Dale-Chall score to Readability level:
Score Readability level
4.9 or lower easily understood by an average 4th-grade student or lower
5.0–5.9 easily understood by an average 5th or 6th-grade student
6.0–6.9 easily understood by an average 7th or 8th-grade student
7.0–7.9 easily understood by an average 9th or 10th-grade student
8.0–8.9 easily understood by an average 11th or 12th-grade student
9.0–9.9 easily understood by an average 13th to 15th-grade (college) student
10.0 or higher easily understood by an average college graduate

Below section also lists several other readability statistics this tool provides, including the formula and the score description. These formulas may deviate from other sources, please correct or suggest by contacting the author of Word Counter.

The formulas use some information about the text with abrreviates:

Number of characters
Number of words
Number of unique words
Number of difficult words
Number of easy words
Number of short words
Number of long words
Number of sentences
Number of syllables
Number of monosyllabic words (1 syllable)
Number of polysyllabic words (3 syllables or more)
Automated Readability Index
(4.71 x (C / W)) + (0.5 x (W / S)) - 21.43
Automated Readability Grade Level: = Automated Readability Index - 5
Coleman-Liau Index
(5.89 x (C / W)) - (0.3 x (S / W)) - 15.8
Coleman-Liau Grade Level: = Coleman-Liau Index - 5
Flesch Reading Ease Score
206.835 - (1.015 x (W / S)) - (84.6 x (SY / W))
Reading Ease level: 0 - 29: Very difficult, 51 - 59: Fairly difficult, 60 - 69: Standard, 70 - 79: Fairly easy, 80 - 89: Easy, ≥ 90: Very easy
Reading Ease Grade Level: 0 - 29: College graduate, 30 - 49: College, 50 - 59: 10 - 12nd grade, 60 - 69: 8-9th grade, 70 - 79: 7th grade, 80 - 89: 6th grade, 90 - 100: 5th grade,
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level
0.39 x (W / S) + 11.8 x (SY / W) - 15.59
Flesch-Kincaid Reading Age: = Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level + 5
Gunning Fog Index (FOG)
0.4 x ((W / S) + (PSY / W x 100))
Gunning Fog Reading Age: = Gunning Fog Index + 5
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